
Series EK EVO

Series ELCO EK EVO monoblock burners represent a robust and professional design with aluminium casting body. The Ek EVO are characterized by their total flexibility of installation. They have been designed to be installed in different ways - up-firng, down-firing, upside-down or side-to-side (twin chamber boilers).

EK EVO 6 to 9 G (340 kW to 13 500 kW) - gas
EK EVO 6 to 9 GL (250 kW to 10 620 kW) - dual fuel

Features & Benefits of ELCO EK EVO series

- a total flexibility (180° orientable air inlet)
- a flame orientation flexibility
- an extended power range
- a compact switch cabinet
- a wide choice of power operation control
- easy access to the inner combustion parts (RTC system)
- an intuitive and interactive communication system
- very Low NOx emissions
- a tailor-made solution and an outstanding technology


Low NOx version:
EK EVO G:                            class 3 (NOx < 80 mg NOx/kWh)
EK EVO GL:                          class 3 (NOx < 80 mg NOx/kWh) - gas
                                             class 3 (NOx < 120 mg NOx/kWh) - light oil