2371-11 - Pressure Reducing Valves for food and pharmaceutical industries


The Type 2371-11 pressure reducing valve for food and pharmaceutical industries with manual adjustment of set point value is suitable for liquids and gases from 0 to 160 °C. The regulator can be fitted with a stem locking facility to keep the plug open during CIP (cleaning in place) or SIP (sterilization in place).

The design of a pressure reducing regulator valve is to close when the downstream pressure rises above a set value.

  • Rozsah nastavení: 0.4 až 6 bar (6 až 90 psi)

მწარმოებელი: SAMSON

შესაბამისი დოკუმენტები
Datasheet - DINT2640EN
Mounting and operating instructionsEB2640EN
Spare parts EL2640
Drawings - DIN