DUP - Steam-converting valve and cooling water valve


The Type DUP is a steam-converting valve for power stations and industrial plants combined with a cooling water valve in one unit up to the limits of the PN 630 pressure class rating and size DN500. This special design valve is a product of Schrödahl and can be customized to suit the customer’s needs.

The Type DUP can be assembled with a pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, or electro-hydraulic actuator also offered by the SAMSON group to complete the construction of the control valve. These special control valves are designed according to local operational data and can be equipped with SAMSON GROUP actuators and valve accessories such as positioners, limit switches, and solenoid valves.

  • Vstupní světlosti: DN40 až DN500 (1 1/2" až 20")
  • Výstupní světlosti: DN80 až DN1600 (3" až 64")
  • Tlakové třídy: PN16 až PN250 (Class 150 až 1500)
  • Materiály: kovaná ocel, vysokoteplotní kovaná ocel
  • Rozsahy teplot: až do +560°C (až do +1040 °F)

მწარმოებელი: SCHROEDAHL

შესაბამისი დოკუმენტები
Datasheet - SAMSONT9944EN